Saturday, September 30, 2006

Snail mail....what's that?

Little sister had a birthday recently and when asked what she would like for her birthday she thought for a moment and said, "just surprise me, mommy!". What a sweetheart! She was THRILLED when she came home from school and found two packages waiting for her!! It could have been just a box of shredded paper for all she cared.....the thought of someone taking the time to send something. But it was not just shredded paper.....they were books!!!!!! I have never known anyone to love to receive books than my children! They look at them as if they are holding a bar of gold!! The simple pleasures in life.
You probably experience something similar when you check your nice it is to get an email from a friend that actually says something and not just a fwd. One step back is the know, snail mail.....that old fashioned way of communication?! And of course the telephone.....seems like sometimes we use our convenient cell phones only to talk with people we see everyday! And oh the days of dropping by and saying hi! Such a warm feeling when I get something in the mail.....someone cares. : )


Gary Wood said...

Very good words. I read a newspaper article recently that people today feel more alone than ever. If we could only put down our cell phones or i-pods and communicate with the people who are in front of us maybe we would'nt be so alone. Children are a treasure, sounds like you have a good one.

Sarah Reinhard said...

I don't know how I missed this post, but I did...and I wish I hadn't, because it's a great post, Susan! :)

You bring up some good points. Just what IS important in life? Surprise me, Mommy! Hug me, Mommy! Carry me, Daddy! So do you think our Father and Mother get as much joy from our joy as we do? :) I think they do indeed!