I am a mother. I am a housewife. I also work 3 hours a day at the school my girls attend. With that comes many many responsibilities. Not only do I get up at the crack of dawn to get hubby out the door for work, but the kids off to school as well. When I leave the carpool line at the school after dropping of the kids, it is off to my first errand of the day. Sometimes that is the post office, bank, grocery, dr.'s appts, vet drop offs for the animals. When I return home it is cleaning up from morning rush hour. I unload the dishwasher from the night before. Start a load of laundry, change sheets on the beds (I should do this more often than I do {weekly} but would like them done daily) and turn on the television for some company. There are so many projects going on right now that just aren't getting done. Simple things like clean off the patio. Sort and file pictures (which are still in totes ready for a moments notice hurricane evac).
Who wants to do those odd jobs when there are more fun things to do like spend time with the kids, take an unexpected picnic with the fam. Get a phone call from hubby to come have lunch with him. And then there is my online time. I enjoy my time surfing the net, checking favy blogs, and when inspiration hits, blogging myself.
I can handle it. I have for a long time. My biggest and maybe hardest part is deciding what is for dinner. I know it seems silly. I just dread deciding what to have. I love to cook it! I am a somewhat good cook. I just never know what to fix.
Growing up my mom always had Thursdays as spaghetti night. I am not certain if that was a basketball night (for siblings) and crock pot spaghetti was hot and ready for anyone having dinner from 5pm to 9pm or if she just one day decided that was what we were having. I wish I could have that. I really need to designate a spaghetti night. It was nice knowing that when I came home from school mom would have already had dinner on and ready and we always knew on Thursday we were having spaghetti.
Meal times are always our opportunity to talk with the kids, find out about their day. It doesn't matter what we eat, they are good about trying new things but deciding what that is makes me crazy some days. If you have any ideas I'd love to hear them.....I think we are going to do the whole Spaghetti night starting this week!!!
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