Sunday, January 14, 2007

A Birthday Surprise!

This coming week is FIL's bday. He will be 67 years old. I hope that I get to celebrate at least that many birthdays! We went to their house (a three hour drive) this weekend to celebrate early and visit. Carrot cake was his only request. The man LOVES carrot cake. Not just any carrot cake, the one that his wife makes. And boy is it YUMMY!! To my surprise he had a gift for me on his birthday! Since he retired a few years back he has been enjoying time with his wife, golfing, puttering around in the old workshop, just enjoying life. He recently took up another hobby, jewelry making. This is something he has become quite good at and enjoys doing. I am excited for him that he has found more interests in his retirement but also that I get to be the benefactor of said jewelry. He handed me the catalog (of beads and other jewels)today and said, "which ones do you like best?" While I was there he gave me about 7 sets of earrings, and my two daughters several earrings and each a necklace. I told him I like these kinds of birthdays, I get gifts too!! : )

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