Sunday, December 17, 2006

We must be rich!!

Let me first just say, I don't know where she gets these things. Little sister has moved only once in her life and was only three so her memory of it is not very strong. However she has decided that if/when we move again she has a couple of items she'd like to add to the 'want list'.
A) A house with stairs. This translated means a two story. We had a two story when she was a baby and where we moved there were mostly single story ranch style houses.

B) A house with a pop-up toaster! Really.

When our house flooded two years back (mostly the kitchen) we had a pop-up toaster. A toaster where you put the toast in and after a while it 'pops' back up. I didn't realize this had such meaning to my daughter until she put it on her list. I had replaced the one that we lost with a toaster oven thinking it would be nice to toast more than bread.

This has become a topic of discussion with our circle of friends and when little sister went on a playdate she noticed that family had a pop-up toaster. She had mentioned to the friends mom that she must be RICH!! Not everyone has a pop-up toaster!

This year for Christmas (we opened some gifts early due to traveling during holidays) we got a pop-up toaster! We must be rich!

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