Thursday, December 28, 2006

Trans Siberian Orchestra

The day was rainy and dreary, the air was cool and crisp. The traffic getting there was horrific. But the feeling that I got when they turned the lights down and started playing was that of shear pleasure. My whole body had goosebumps. If you've never heard of Trans Siberian Orchestra (from here on out known as TSO) you are missing out! TSO is one of the most amazing concerts I have ever seen. The lights, the music, the atmosphere, it was amazing. I sat and listened, reflecting on the season, and realized just how wonderful it is. It, being the season of Christmas. How we run along and gather our presents for friends and family, imposing deadlines on ourselves that no one could or even should try to meet. The season is about more than just giving. We all say that giving in better than receiving however I sure am enjoying the gift that Jesus gave to me. I enjoy that gift every day. Without even thinking of it. Maybe this should be more an Easter post than a Christmas one, I believe that the day Christ was born was just as important. Can you imagine how Mary felt, knowing her son was so special.
I hope that you had a blessed Christmas and a healthy new year!!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

We must be rich!!

Let me first just say, I don't know where she gets these things. Little sister has moved only once in her life and was only three so her memory of it is not very strong. However she has decided that if/when we move again she has a couple of items she'd like to add to the 'want list'.
A) A house with stairs. This translated means a two story. We had a two story when she was a baby and where we moved there were mostly single story ranch style houses.

B) A house with a pop-up toaster! Really.

When our house flooded two years back (mostly the kitchen) we had a pop-up toaster. A toaster where you put the toast in and after a while it 'pops' back up. I didn't realize this had such meaning to my daughter until she put it on her list. I had replaced the one that we lost with a toaster oven thinking it would be nice to toast more than bread.

This has become a topic of discussion with our circle of friends and when little sister went on a playdate she noticed that family had a pop-up toaster. She had mentioned to the friends mom that she must be RICH!! Not everyone has a pop-up toaster!

This year for Christmas (we opened some gifts early due to traveling during holidays) we got a pop-up toaster! We must be rich!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Christmas meme, thank you Sarah for sending it.

1. Egg nog or hot chocolate?
Hot chocolate, I never learned how to drink egg nog!

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
Now-a-days Santa gifts are just under the tree, not wrapped. As far as when I was growing up I really couldn't say. We had 6 kids in our family, so when Christmas morning came I was always so excited to see all the presents under the tree. It didn't occur to me that ALL those gifts were for 6 kids, I just knew we must have been good to get ALL those presents!!

3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?
I have done both. One year I thought how nice the house would look with all white lights, and it did. Then the following year I went back to colored. I've done the icicle lights, the mini lights, the big bulb lights....I'll try anything once. The Christmas tree has colored and clear lights but my favy are the bubble lights! We had those on the tree when I was growing up and it was always so exciting to sit and watch the bubbles inside the lights.

4. Do you hang mistletoe?
Not so much, we never (that I remember anyway) had it as a kid.....never knew much about it.

5. When do you put your decorations up?
Usually the first week in December in part because I am so excited about the season and also if I don't do it then it may not get done!

6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?
I have always liked a little bit of everything. I would have my plate full but with a tiny scoop of everything. I think my favorite was always my mother's mashed potatoes.

7. Favorite holiday memory as a child:
I always loved going to Grandma Reinhard's house. For some reason I always called it Grandma Reinhard's house. Aunt Kay was always there, Grandpa was always there and usually Uncle Bill/Aunt Carol and/or Aunt Nancy/Uncle Tom were there as well, but it was always referred to as Grandma Reinhard's house. I loved it because of the smell of the house, I can't explain it, it just always smelled good. And there house was always clean. Now I'm not talking just comet clean or recently vacuumed clean. Their house had nice furniture, perfectly decorated tree, if you needed something, it was right where it should be. A place for everything and everthing in its place. There was no clutter and coming from a house with 6 very active kids and a two parents there was always clutter in our house! Never any really really nice things, they wouldn't stay nice for long with that many young ones around. Also, I loved going there because I got to sit with Grandpa. He was a "grinch" kinda guy to most people. Not many kind words to say to others but he was always nice to me. I'd get to sit next to him and just sit. We'd talk, or rather I'd ask annoying questions and he would answer, but I loved him (God rest his soul) and I know he loved me. **sniff, sniff** I didn't realize just how much I miss him until I get the chance to openly talk about him. Not many family members have the same memories as I do.

8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
When I was 7 years old. My brother was just about two years old and there were 5 of us kids around the house. I walked into my parents bedroom (which I had done several times, their room was never off limits) and sat on the bed. Just recently learning how to read I started reading the paper that was left on the bed. I was reading it aloud and I started at the top, by the time I got to Susan: tea cup set, doll mother turned around and grabbed the paper out of my hand and said something about if I breathed a word of this to younger brother that she would give all my presents to cousin Elizabeth (whose parents didn't have much for Christmas). I realized pretty quick that since what I got for Christmas was what was on the list that Santa must be mom & dad. Sad story come to think of it.

9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
Usually the kids can't stand it anymore and want to open just one on Christmas eve. Otherwise we open them all Christmas morning.

10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
Colored and clear lights, tinsel and ornaments, lots and lots of ornaments!

11. Snow? Love it or dread it?
I LOVE IT! Although I can say that because the chances are pretty slim we'll ever have any in this neck of the woods. I do love it and miss in terribly but it gets old after February and it is not the really pretty snow, it is the snow that has been plowed and mixed with salt, yucky snow.

12. Can you ice skate?
Not so much, you prolly don't want to see me try either.

13. Do you remember your favorite gift? I remember as a child getting a Cabbage patch doll with a pink sweater outfit. It was my favorite!! As an adult, a gold watch my hubby got me. I had NO clue he was getting it for me, which is surprising because I usually find out these things.

14. What's the most exciting thing about the holidays for you?
Seeing my children drift off to sleep, we usually let them fall asleep in front of the tree Christmas eve. And of course seeing their faces when they open the gifts!!

15. What is your favorite holiday dessert?
not sure the name of them, mom makes them every year. They are chocolate cookies with white powdered sugar on the tops...Krinkles, maybe?

16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Making Christmas cut out's with my kids. We usually make the cookies and ice them and of course eat several of them as well. Also, taking the girls to see Santa. Little sister has decided that the Santa at our mall is the real one; all the other santas must just be the helpers.

17. What tops your tree?
A litghted Angel

18. Which do you prefer - giving or receiving?
That sounds like a loaded question to me. I of course love giving (if I really want to get that someone something but if I have to get it b/c that is what is expected, not so much) but who doesn't get all excited when a gift is given to them?!

19. What is your favorite Christmas song?
Silent night, by Kenny G. I also like all the traditional ones too!

20. Candy canes?
yes but only now and then.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Birthday Meme!!

Birthday Meme

1) Go to Wikipedia.
2) In the search box, type your birth month and day but not the year.
3) List three events that happened on your birthday.
4) List two important birthdays and one death.
5) One holiday or observance (if any).

My birthday is March 27th.

1513 - (not 1512 as often cited) - Explorer Juan Ponce de León sights North America (specifically Florida) for the first time, mistaking it for another island.

1994 - One of the biggest tornado outbreaks in recent memory hits the Southeastern United States. One tornado slams into a church in Piedmont, Alabama during Palm Sunday services killing 20 and injuring 90

972 - King Robert I of France (d. 1031)

1969 - Mariah Carey, American singer

1988 - Brenda Song, American actress

1191 - Pope Clement III

2003 - Paul Zindel, American writer (b. 1936)

Holidays and observances:
Feast day of Rupert of Salzburg in the Roman Catholic Church

Interesting pieces of information, thanks Sarah for sending it to me.