Ok, I was born and raised in the North and the only lizards around are usually kept in cages. That is where they
belong. That is where I can look at them and feel safe that they won't, oh I don't know, ATTACK me!!! Now, logically I know lizards won't attack, they want to be away from you more than you away from them. But now that I live in the south, I have become accustomed to having these creepy crawly's all around, that is until they make their way into my house!!
I came home from mass this morning to find my *scaredy* cat looking up at the picture window behind the television. Oh, he must want me to raise the blinds so that he can look out the window, I thought. So, I open the blinds and out jumps a lizard! I jumped and the cat went running. I should have let the cat take care of it had I known it was there. So, it's just me and the lizard.....I tried to explain to it I wanted it out of my house. He can climb all around the outside of my house, just not inside. Well, the lizard found it necessary to 'blend in' to everything it touched making it monumentally more difficult to find, let alone to get out the house.
I spent a good 45 minutes trying to catch the little booger in a trash can but to no luck. Finally I decided to let it go. I opened the window (the one without a screen) which is taking a big risk because the squirrels that run the fence line by the window might get in. Went about my business cleaning up after the crazy day yesterday. I went to pick up a pillow that fell onto the floor and there was the lizard, on the tv. I again jumped and this time the lizard froze in fear. If I didn't have such a problem with them I may have picked it up by its' tail and tossed it out the window but a couple years ago my (at the time) 4 year old picked one up and the tail fell off and the lizard went running, hopping actually.
So, it is me against the lizard. I can't get anything done, I only think of what if this lizard shows up while I am sleeping tonight or if it decides to jump in my dinner!!?? AARRGG!! I give up. I put the trash can by the television and went about my day, praying that the lizard might *want* to go in the trash can. Well, my plan worked only after about another hour though. I gingerly took the trash can outside and bid him farewell. Thank you God for lizards but thank you more for making them live outdoors, I don't know if I could ever live with one in my house.